Our Ecosystem

What can you expect?

What is
CryptAlyze Trading

CryptAlyze Trading is an awesome family of traders where you are most welcome!

There are a lot of people who want to invest in the financial markets, but don’t know how to get started.
That’s why we took matters into our own hands and developed an appropriate course for every type of trader, so you too can become successful in your adventure!

In our courses you will learn how to be consistent, partly thanks to our strategies with which we are also successful ourselves.

Being notified to buy/sell with a push-message on your smartphone, it can’t get easier than that, can it? That service will also be offered through CryptAlyze!

Register now and we will notify you when our platform goes live. So you can join the program immediately and make those gains!

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Who are we

An introduction

We are two passionate traders who have known each other for a long time, we each have our own background, experiences and personalities.

We each started our trading adventure with our own goals in mind; we both saw that making money could be much easier than working many hours.

That is why we have developed our own approach to trading that gives us the freedom to stop being in that rush and enjoy life.

Now we want to help you achieve this with the help of our courses.

Teaching crypto course
Swing trading

What will we teach you?

Swing Trading Course

Swing trading has been gaining popularity as people look for ways to bring in extra income while working their full time job. And with the arrival of sophisticated apps, trading while on the go has never been easier.

Swing trading is a trading style that involves holding on to a position for a period of time ranging from a couple days to a couple weeks or even months.

In this course we are going to teach you how to get in and out of the market the right way. Using our own developed tools and specialized approach we will give you the blueprint to trade the markets without stress and as a bonus, make great profits.